Look Your Best In 2023!

2023 Houston, TXAs the year draws to a close, it is the time when we sit down and take a good hard look at the successes and failures of the past twelve months. This allows us to reassess our choices in order not to repeat the same mistakes into the future. The cycle of renewal that comes alongside New Years gives us a great opportunity to improve and learn as we grow older. Take advantage of this time of year and make 2023 your year for positive oral health change!

Beyond your regular cleaning and examination in January, this could be the right time to speak with your dentist about the possibility of cosmetic dentistry. Many of us struggle with aspects of our smile that we would like to change. While this is natural, it is not something that we have to accept. At MMC Dental in Houston, TX, we pride ourselves in developing beautiful smiles for patients. Discover how we can help you to reach new oral wellness heights in 2023! (more…)

Schedule Your Checkup Before The New Year!

Taking care of your smile is a lifelong process and one that certainly could benefit from an update every now and then. Indeed, your oral health is a top priority, and while our ultimate goal is to help you maintain healthy natural teeth, sometimes smiles require the help of implant posts or other restorative treatments to address complications that may have arisen. In today’s blog, your Houston, TX dentist reiterates the importance of practicing a thorough preventive dental routine and encourages patients to schedule their routine checkups before the new year.


Avoiding Diabetic Tooth Loss

Diabetes Houston TXIn the United States, one of the most common conditions is diabetes. Currently, at least 29 million Americans have this auto-immune disease, and it can lead to health effects all through the body. Whether you’ve been recently diagnosed or this is something you have lived with for years, it is important to keep yourself informed. Education is one of the largest challenges in the healthcare of this topic!

But you may not be aware of how this condition can affect your oral health. Approximately one in every five instances of tooth loss are directly related to blood sugar complications. Today, your Houston, TX dentist stresses how important strict diabetes management can be in the prevention of losing a part of your smile! (more…)