Category: General Dentistry

Is Bruxism Wearing Your Teeth Down?

Bruxism, or chronic teeth-grinding, can become a serious problem for your teeth and oral health when it goes untreated long enough. Unfortunately, many people who have bruxism don’t realize that they do at first, and this can sometimes allow the condition to cause significant wear and damage to their teeth by the time they seek… Read more »

Is There a Way to Stop Grinding Your Teeth?

Bruxism, or chronic teeth-grinding, can often be the source of several different oral health concerns, and that’s largely due to the fact that not everyone who has it realizes what a problem it is. Until they do, the constant grinding of their teeth can gradually wear down, damage, and threaten your teeth to increasingly more… Read more »

How Worried Should I Be If My Gum Line Is Receding?

There are issues that can cause your gums to gradually recede over time. You may notice that this issue has changed the look of your smile, or made certain teeth look uneven or long. This change can also lead to issues like dental sensitivity, as the portion of a tooth below your gum line has… Read more »

Be Sure To Schedule Your Next Checkup

We’re finally ready to start resuming care for patients in need of general treatments, such as checkups and cleanings. With our new health and safety measures, we can protect our patients and make sure they receive the care they need. In today’s blog, your Houston, TX, dentist will look at the benefits of an exam,… Read more »

Reduce Your Risk Of Gum Disease

Did you know that poor oral health doesn’t just make the onset of tooth decay more likely, but could also cause issues like gingivitis and even gum disease! Fortunately, there are steps you and your family take to help reduce the risks of gum inflammation and periodontal disease, including picking healthier foods and even flossing…. Read more »

Picking Out Snacks That Don’t Promote Cavities

We get it, in times of stress, bingeing on your favorite sugary treats can be nice. However, too much of a good thing could also mean a higher risk of tooth decay and even gum disease. Fortunately, your Houston, TX, dentist has a few ideas for picking out snacks and meals that don’t promote the… Read more »

Stress, Bruxism, and You!

Are you experiencing a higher level of stress at the moment? If so, you’re definitely not alone! With everything happening in the world, everyone seems to be on edge and as your Houston, TX, dentist knows, stress could often lead to teeth grinding. In today’s blog, we look at the warning signs of teeth grinding… Read more »

Improving Oral Health In 5 Steps

Now that you’re spending a lot more time at home, and can’t see your Houston, TX, dentist for regular checkup and cleaning appointments, how do you keep your teeth and gums healthy and strong? In today’s blog, we’re going to look at how daily care, including proper brushing and flossing, is essential for lowering the… Read more »

Do You Have a Problem with Grinding Your Teeth?

Not every problem that threatens your oral health stems from excessive oral bacteria buildup. Therefore, not every problem can be prevented by simply keeping your teeth and gums consistently clean. For example, for many patients, one or more underlying dental issues can contribute to functional issues with their bite, such as chronic, subconscious teeth-grinding. Also… Read more »

Why Flossing Matters To Your Overall Dental Health

Last week, we shared with you some toothbrushing tips so that you can better keep up your good oral hygiene habits. However, brushing is just one part of your dental routine. The other one is flossing, you know, that thing we always ask if you are keeping up with it when you visit us. We… Read more »