When Does A Tooth Need To Be Extracted?

Restorative dentistry often means repairing a tooth, with a filling or maybe even a crown. But what if the best way to preserve your smile’s health and beauty is to remove a tooth completely? In today’s blog, your Houston, TX, dentist will look at when a tooth needs to be extracted, and how we can ensure you remain calm and relaxed, comfortable even, throughout this oral surgical procedure.


Instant Smile Improvement With Porcelain Veneers

With teeth whitening we can brighten your teeth, and dental bonding offers a lifelike one-visit repair for chipped and cracked teeth. But what if we have a single treatment option that could correct these issues and more in just two visits? In today’s blog, your Houston, TX, dentist is going to talk about how veneers instantly change a smile’s appearance once placed.


Should You See Your Dentist About Your Gummy Smile?

Have your ever heard of a gummy smile? Simply put, this refers to an excessive display of gingival tissue when you smile, which can lead to a host of serious concerns and even problems for your overall oral health. In order to correct the shape of your gums, we may suggest a safe and comfortable cosmetic treatment known as gum contouring. When should you see your Houston. TX, dentist for a gum contouring procedure?


Preventive Treatments To Keep Little Smiles Cavity-Free

Children have a high risk of developing cavities, especially since for many, brushing and flossing thoroughly can be a difficult task. In order to help children in Houston, TX, enjoy a reduced risk of tooth decay, our team may provide preventive treatment options, such as fluoride treatments and dental sealants. Find out how these unique treatments can help protect little smiles from cavities.
