Time For Your Next Checkup?

next checkup houston txAre you staying on top of your oral health needs? Well, when you skip your checkups, you put yourself at real risk of developing some common concerns, like tooth decay, periodontal disease, and more. So, if it has been longer than six months since your last dental appointment, then you are due for a cleaning and an examination. Take the time for your next checkup to fight back against plaque and tartar buildup.

Here at MMC Dental, we work to help Houstonians to have smiles that they can be proud of, and that takes some dedication. Throughout your life, you’re constantly battling bacterial accumulation, and your biannual checkups are a big part of staying safe. So, when you are ready to renew your oral health emphasis, come talk with a trusted, local dentist about keeping up with your smile needs. We’re here to help you maintain your smile as you age.

Are you due for a biannual checkup? Call MMC Dental today to schedule a time to talk teeth.


When Your Wisdom Teeth Need To Go

wisdom teeth houston txAs you enter into adulthood, you need to keep an eye on your smile. Even though you might feel like everything is set, when your third and final set of molars comes in, it can shift your teeth or even cause damage to your enamel. This is because, for most of us, there is simply not enough room for these additional teeth; if you have started to notice a change to your bite or your gums, then it’s time to talk to your dentist about your wisdom teeth.

With our caring team at MMC Dental in Houston, TX, you can keep an eye on your smile. That is an important thing to do when you are reaching your later teen years or your early twenties, as your third molars can start to pose real problems. If you are due for a checkup, come see a trusted dentist for an examination and any necessary imagery to track the development of your wisdom teeth. And if you require an extraction of these molars, we can help you to move forward with a safer, stronger smile.

Don’t ignore your smile during adolescence. Keep on track with checkups from MMC Dental!


Enhance Your Look With Cosmetic Dentistry

enhance your look houston txAre you happy with your smile? For most Americans, there is something that they would like to change, and they see it every day when they look in the mirror. If this sounds like you, then take some time to talk to your dentist about ways to enhance your look with cosmetic dentistry. You have options available to you, and it all starts with a visit to the office for an examination.

At MMC Dental in Houston, TX, you have a team that’s devoted to your long-term smile success. From your routine prevention through biannual checkups to restoration and, yes, cosmetic improvement, we work with people in our favorite city to deliver dental healthcare that people can trust. If you’re looking to upgrade your smile with professional teeth whitening, porcelain veneers, or cosmetic dental bonding, spend some quality time with a quality dentist, right here in Houston. So, don’t put it off any longer!

Enhance your look with cosmetic dentistry from MMC Dental. Call our front desk today.


Prioritize Your Gum Health This Year

Houston, TX, dentist offers gum disease treatment

It’s the start of a new year, and with that comes a time to set new goals. You may want to start a new workout routine, improve your diet, or learn a new skill during 2025. While you create your resolutions, don’t forget to make a plan for your oral health. Your team at MMC Dental in Houston, TX, can help you take better care of your teeth and gums, so you can achieve a healthier smile this year.


We Can Help Replace Your Missing Teeth

Houston, TX, dentist offers prosthodontic options

If you have lost one, or several, of your teeth, you may have noticed some changes in your smile. You may not feel as confident in pictures or when meeting new people, and you may have noticed that you have a harder time eating some of your favorite foods. All of our teeth play an important role in our smile’s appearance and function, so when you have lost one of your pearly whites, it can take a significant toll on your oral health. Your team at MMC Dental in Houston, TX, offers different prosthetic solutions to help you renew your smile after tooth loss.


Improve Your Smile For The New Year


Houston, TX, dentist offers cosmetic treatments

Your smile is one of the first features a person notices about you. If you have noticed that you prefer to hide your pearly whites in pictures or feel less than confident in the appearance of your smile, we may be able to help with cosmetic treatments. Your team at MMC Dental in Houston, TX, can find a cosmetic solution that fits your needs and helps target your main concerns with your smile.


Plan Restorations Before The End Of The Year

Houston, TX, dentist offers restorative treatments

The new year will be here before you know it! Have you used all of your dental benefits yet? Many benefits typically include two checkups and restorative care throughout the year. If you’ve been putting off getting that cavity filled or missing tooth replaced, get these treatments done before your benefits renew in January. Make sure to schedule your appointment with MMC Dental in Houston, TX, before our calendar fills up!


A Smile Refresh Before The Holidays

refresh your smile houston txAre you ready to log off from work and spend more time with your family? Well, you’re in luck; the holidays are coming up! This is always an exciting time of the year, but if your oral health is not at the level that you’d like to see, it can also create some anxiety. You may run into some old friends that you haven’t seen in years, and if you do, you want your smile to look and feel great.

At MMC Dental in Houston, TX, we are here to help you maintain and improve your smile. That starts with a visit to our office for a cleaning and examination, and if it has been a while since your last appointment, you’re due for your next biannual checkup. These trips not only help you experience a safer, fresher smile with a thorough cleaning of the surface of your teeth, but they can also be a great place to start a discussion about cosmetic dentistry. If you’re ready to refresh your smile, start with a call to our front desk!


Your Gum Health Makes A Difference

Focus On Your Gums Gum Health houston txWhen you look at your smile, where do you focus? If you are like most people, then your eyes are immediately drawn to your teeth. While they certainly are flashy, there are other areas of your mouth, and these all need proper maintenance, as well. One area where people can start to run into problems is with their gum health, and this can become a serious issue for a smile. Make sure you’re keeping up with all areas of your smile.

Here with our talented dental team at MMC Dental in Houston, TX, you can take steps to improve the strength of your gums. This starts with an appointment for a cleaning and examination to determine your current needs, and then we can work together to craft a personal treatment plan. If you have started to notice swelling or redness along your gumline, then it is time to talk to your oral health team about dedicated periodontal care services, aimed at reducing inflammation through consistent cleaning. Call our office today to learn more!
