It’s the start of a new year, and with that comes a time to set new goals. You may want to start a new workout routine, improve your diet, or learn a new skill during 2025. While you create your resolutions, don’t forget to make a plan for your oral health. Your team at MMC Dental in Houston, TX, can help you take better care of your teeth and gums, so you can achieve a healthier smile this year.
Common Signs Of Gingivitis
Gum disease can progress quickly if left untreated, which is why it’s important to be aware of the symptoms and side effects of gingivitis. If you have symptoms such as sensitivity, redness, or swelling of the gums, this could be a sign of gingivitis. It’s important to seek treatment as soon as possible to treat and reverse the infection. Mild to moderate periodontal disease can lead to symptoms such as halitosis (bad breath), gum recession, and potential tooth loss.
Managing Symptoms Of Periodontal Disease
If you have been told you have gum disease, you will likely need to have regularly scheduled deep cleanings to best manage your symptoms. Our team may offer scaling and root planing treatments to help reduce inflammation, halitosis, and other symptoms you may experience. First, a skilled hygienist will perform scaling to remove plaque and tartar from the roots of your teeth. This is different from the standard cleaning done during your biannual checkup, because instead of cleaning the crowns of your pearly whites, the roots are thoroughly cleaned. Root planing is then done to smooth the roots of your dental structures, which can help prevent bacteria from sticking to the surface. If you have experienced tooth loss caused by periodontitis, your dentist may discuss replacement options such as dental implants or dentures.
The Benefits Of Healthy Gums
Many people may prioritize maintaining clean, cavity-free teeth by brushing twice a day. While this is an important part of your overall oral health, it’s also important to focus on your gums. After you brush in the morning and at night, remember to floss as well. This step helps to remove food particles and bacteria from between your pearly whites. The soft tissue in your mouth is an essential part of your smile. Your gingival tissue provides protection and support to your dental structures. If you do not take proper care of this tissue, it can lead to sensitivity when eating, tooth loss, gum recession, and more. Additionally, patients with periodontitis may be at an increased risk of additional health concerns, such as heart disease or strokes.
Schedule An Appointment With Our Team
We can help you manage symptoms of periodontal disease and protect your smile. To learn more, call MMC Dental in Houston, TX, today at 713-926-8896 today.