Category: Periodontal Treatment

The Long-Term Impact of Gum Disease

Gum disease consists of a number of different stages with varying impact on your oral health. You may have heard of “gingivitis,” which is the most basic form of gum disease. Identifying gingivitis when it forms allows you to combat the condition and prevent further damage from occurring. Why is this important? Because gum disease… Read more »

Seeking Periodontal Treatment in Houston

Periodontal health falls under the umbrella of oral health, but it’s something you might not think about often. Periodontal health refers to the wellbeing of your gum tissue. While your gums may be distinct from your teeth, the necessity to keep them clean, and the potential health issues that can befall them, remain the same…. Read more »

What Early Gum Disease Treatment Can Help You Avoid

Gum disease is one of the most common oral health concerns for adults, but fortunately, it’s often treated and managed before it can lead to significant consequences. For instance, if you treat gum disease in its early stage, you can stop it from progressing and preserve your healthy periodontal and oral tissues. However, if it… Read more »

How Worried Should I Be If My Gum Line Is Receding?

There are issues that can cause your gums to gradually recede over time. You may notice that this issue has changed the look of your smile, or made certain teeth look uneven or long. This change can also lead to issues like dental sensitivity, as the portion of a tooth below your gum line has… Read more »

The Proper Way to Deal with Gum Disease

There can be some confusion when it comes to dealing with gum disease. For some people, it may not seem like a problem, if they’ve already begun to develop early signs of the disease. Others may realize it’s a problem, but don’t expect it to become so severe so quickly. The truth is that the… Read more »