When you develop a cavity, the most appropriate way to treat it will likely be with a customized tooth filling. A cavity, or hole in your tooth, forms because of the tooth’s structure decaying, and after removing the infection, filling the cavity can restore the tooth’s overall strength and integrity. Today, we take a look at the advantages you may enjoy by choosing to treat your cavity with a tooth-colored filling, especially when compared to more traditional fillings made from metal amalgam.
What composite resin does for your tooth
Tooth-colored fillings don’t contain metal as their more traditional counterparts, but are made from a composite mixture of acrylic and quartz-like particles. The composite resin is a more biocompatible material than metal, which means it can interact more favorably with your natural tooth structure. This includes bonding secure to your tooth within its cavity, allowing the filling to seal and protect the tooth with optimal results after its infection has been removed. This seal also helps protect the tooth’s long-term health and improves your chances of avoiding the need for more extensive treatment for the same tooth later.
When your filling is undetectable
When it comes to restoring your tooth after removing decay from its structure, composite resin fillings are able to provide highly satisfactory results. Yet, their benefits go even further thanks to the highly customizable and natural-looking appearance of the composite resin. Unlike metal fillings, those made from composite resin can be personalized and tinted to match the unique color and shade of your healthy, natural tooth structure. Once the filling is placed within your cavity, it becomes virtually undetectable, keeping your entire treatment much more discreet.
How the resin benefits your tooth structure
Treating a cavity is about more than just filling it, but also ensuring that your tooth remains safe from any further infection by harmful oral bacteria. The area of the tooth where the cavity developed will be more vulnerable, and the most important task for your tooth filling is to protect it from bacteria while restoring your tooth’s structural integrity. Tooth-colored composite resin offers a higher level of biocompatibility than traditional metal amalgam, which allows it to offer better long-term results for your tooth and oral health.
Learn more about tooth-colored fillings
Modern tooth fillings provide a number of advantages for the long-term health and integrity of your teeth. To learn more, schedule an appointment by calling MMC Dental in Houston, TX, today at (713) 926-8896