When you encounter a dental emergency, such as a damaged tooth or one in pain, then you may need to see your Houston, TX, dentist for care. However, your initial response to these scenarios could help ease discomfort and prevent further complications until we can see you. In today’s blog, learn what you need to know about responding to common dental emergencies.
Responding to Damaged and Aching Teeth
If you have pain in your smile, this could be caused by tooth decay or dental infections that need immediate attention to prevent serious complications. If you have pain in your smile, gently floss on either side of the aching tooth and rinse with warm water. If this fails to address the issue, then contact our team to schedule a visit. You can take a pain reliever in the meantime.
If you chip or crack a tooth, then rinse with warm water and take a pain reliever. Bring any pieces to the office with you if possible. If you have any bleeding, control the issue with a washcloth or gauze. To avoid facial swelling, place a cold compress or ice pack against the side of your face. If your tooth is knocked-out completely, be sure you never touch the root portions and then place it in a glass of milk or salt water. Be sure you bring it to the office with you!
Possible Treatment Options
For an aching tooth, we may use a filling to address the cavity and provide relief in a single visit. For infections, a root canal allows us to remove infected tissues and restore the tooth. If a tooth is damaged, then we could use dental bonding to repair minor injuries in one visit, or create and place a custom crown for those with more substantial damage. We will take steps to ensure your restorations look natural and blend with your smile.
Protecting Teeth at Home
To prevent injury, be sure you wear a mouthguard when you play sports, which limits the risks of chipped or cracked teeth. Avoid chewing on ice or items like pens or pencils, and if you grind your teeth let us know. Be sure you brush and floss daily to help prevent cavities and to keep your smile strong. With routine care at home, you help improve the strength, health, and beauty of your smile. If you have any questions about emergency dental care or about healthy homecare habits, then contact our team today.
Emergency dental care offers treatment for people suffering from damaged teeth and serious discomfort. To learn more about treating damaged teeth, schedule an appointment by calling MMC Dental in Houston, TX, today at (713) 926-8896.