Tooth damage is one of the most common reasons for needing restorative dental treatment. That’s because, unlike the rest of your body, your teeth won’t heal on their own if they’re damaged, and fixing the tooth is the only way to stop the damage from getting worse. This makes a custom restoration necessary for two important reasons – it will help you save the rest of your healthy tooth structure, and also restore the tooth’s ability to function properly when you bite and chew on it. Depending on the extent of damage to your tooth, the most beneficial restoration may be a dental crown, which can restore the tooth’s entire visible crown structure.
Not every compromised tooth is compromised because it has sustained physical damage. In fact, more people experience tooth decay, which causes their teeth to form cavities (or holes) in their crown structures. Restoring a decayed tooth also requires fixing and strengthening its structure, and stopping it from sustaining any further harm. However, when decay is present, the process also requires removing the decay, including the bacteria that cause it and the tooth structure that’s already infected by it. In many cases, this can be accomplished through a tooth filling procedure, which includes filling the cavity once the decay has been removed.
Losing a tooth, or having to have one extracted, is often a worst-case scenario for many different dental health concerns. It can also have several additional serious consequences for your oral health, especially if you wait too long to replace your missing teeth. Fortunately, you can successfully restore your smile, improve its appearance, and reestablish your bite’s function with the right custom-designed tooth replacement. The specific type of restoration you require will depend on how many teeth you’ve lost, though in most cases, supporting the restoration on one or more dental implants can enhance its restorative benefits.
Whatever problem your smile faces, the right custom-designed restoration may be able to fully restore your smile’s appearance and good health, and help you avoid losing the tooth entirely. To learn more, schedule an appointment by calling MMC Dental in Houston, TX, today at (713) 926-8896.
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