Categories: General Dentistry

How To Stop Grinding Your Teeth

If you often wake up with earaches, headaches, or pain in your jaw, you may have bruxism. This condition causes you to grind your teeth, usually while you are asleep and unaware. Not only can cause discomfort, but it can also be a sign of other problems. In today’s blog, MMC Dental in Houston, TX is here to discuss what may be causing this disorder and how it can be treated.

The Causes Of Bruxism

Bruxism affects people of all ages, including children. Though there is no singular cause for it, a few factors can increase the likelihood of developing this problem. Stress, anxiety, genetics, TMD, and more can put you at higher risk of chronic teeth grinding.

Children may frequently clench together their teeth as they grow in. This may be due to malocclusion affecting their bite, or stress. It is not uncommon for patients to grow out of this problem as they grow older. However, if the problem continues to persist, you may need to seek treatment.

Bruxism Can Damage Your Smile

You may grind your teeth while you are unaware, such as in your sleep, which can make it difficult to recognize the problem. In the morning, you may wake up with aches or have sensitivity when eating certain things. Your dentist may be able to recognize the problem during a checkup because your enamel may be worn down.

When you clench your jaw together, you apply excessive amounts of pressure onto your teeth. Over time, this can cause the enamel to wear down. This can lead to sensitivity when eating certain foods, higher susceptibility to cracks and chips, and put you at risk of developing cavities. It is also common for patients with bruxism to also have TMD, which causes you to place tension on your jaw. Decay and damaged pearly whites can be restored, but if the root of the problem is not fixed, you will need several restorations throughout your life.

Treating Bruxism With A Guard

In mild cases, this condition may go away on its own. However, when it does not, it is important to seek professional treatment. At your next checkup, your dentist can create a diagnosis and discuss a helpful treatment plan. An oral appliance is a simple solution that can alleviate symptoms of bruxism and TMJ. This looks like a retainer and will fit your smile’s shape. For patients with TMJ, this will help your jaw sit in the proper position and balance the pressure between your joints. It can also protect your teeth from grinding against each other as you sleep.

Talk To Your Dentist About A Night Guard

If you constantly grind your teeth, you can put your smile at risk of damage. An oral appliance can protect your pearly whites. To receive one, call MMC Dental in Houston, TX, today at (713) 926-8896.

Dr. Chan

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