With our team of helpful dentists in Houston, TX, you can maintain your smile and keep the focus on your oral health with a routine dental checkup. Schedule an appointment for a cleaning and examination and discover the advantages of regular visits to the dental office, including having a fresher smile. Your cleaning helps you to free yourself of your problem plaque and tartar buildup, so take advantage of this opportunity to keep your smile safe!
At our office, we understand that finding time in the day can be difficult. Take the time to schedule your semiannual examination, however, as this is an important step in your routine oral health maintenance. Even with a determined approach to brushing and flossing, your diligence is not enough to fully keep you safe. You need the help of a trained professional dentist in order to protect your smile as you grow and age.
Most people require a semiannual dental checkup once every six months, but you may need additional care, due to certain environmental and genetic concerns. Speak with your provider about your specific timeline, as they understand your needs, and then be sure to stick to your appointments. Skipping these visits can lead to a serious deterioration of your smile over time through the development of tooth decay and periodontal disease.
During your semiannual checkup, you will receive a thorough cleaning of the surface of your teeth, which can help you to feel better on a daily basis, and also work to prevent cavities. As plaque and tartar form within your smile, they can aggravate your gums and lead to tooth decay through bacterial activity and high acidity levels. You might also be able to notice the tartar buildup on your teeth and along your gums. Your checkup helps you to have a cleaner mouth!
If it has been a while since your last appointment, we would love to see you! To learn more about the advantages of dental prevention or to schedule your next appointment, give us a call at MMC Dental in Houston, TX at (713)926-8896!
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