One of the ways that you work to keep your smile safe is in your home hygiene regimen. This includes twice daily brushing to remove the bacterial buildup of plaque and tartar, so if you are holding back in your care, you could be giving these microorganisms the time they need to grow. This development places your teeth at risk of serious tooth decay, and prevention is key within the world of dentistry. Take the time to fully brush and floss, so that you give your smile the best chance of success.

Along with your personal care, you should be seeing the dentist at least twice each calendar year. Your semiannual checkup at MMC Dental in Houston, TX gives you time with a qualified dental health professional, which can be beneficial for a few reasons. Firstly, their training helps you to know what is going on with your mouth, through a visual examination and your required imagery. In addition, you will receive a dedicated cleaning of your smile, to remove the buildup of plaque and tartar from the surface of your teeth. Feel better while working toward a safer smile with a visit to the dentist!

Your Examinations Serve To Assist Your Home Care

The first section of your checkup is a visual examination of your smile, to give you the tools you need to keep your mouth clean between visits. This portion of your appointment is a powerful tool at your disposal, and more consistent visits mean that your provider has more knowledge from which to know your specific smile needs. Even with a dedication to in-office treatment, it may have been months since the last time you spoke with your provider. Take the time to meet with your dentist, so that you have a working knowledge of what is going on with your mouth.

The Cleaning Of Your Smile Helps You Stay Safe

Alongside your examination and imagery is a rigorous cleaning of the surface of your teeth. While you brush and floss for the appropriate time, there may be areas in which you are light in your care. This situation can happen for a variety of reasons, and even something as small as handedness may play a part. We all have areas in which we could spend more time brushing, so take care of your blind spots with the assistance of a professional.

Your Preventive Care Makes A Difference!

As you progress through life, do not forget your routine dental care. Sticking to a strict schedule of appointments with the dentist can make all the difference in your ability to maintain a gorgeous smile for years to come, so take the time to speak with your Houston, TX, dentist, Dr. Chan, by calling (713)926-8896.

Dr. Chan

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