Categories: Restorative Dentistry

Plan Restorations Before The End Of The Year

The new year will be here before you know it! Have you used all of your dental benefits yet? Many benefits typically include two checkups and restorative care throughout the year. If you’ve been putting off getting that cavity filled or missing tooth replaced, get these treatments done before your benefits renew in January. Make sure to schedule your appointment with MMC Dental in Houston, TX, before our calendar fills up!

Treat Cavities Before The Holidays

One of the most common problem that patients of all ages face is tooth decay. If you were told at your last appointment that you have a cavity, make sure to plan a dental filling or root canal as soon as possible. Delaying treatment can allow the decay to progress, which can lead to an uncomfortable toothache that interrupts your holiday plans. Minor cavities can often be treated with a simple dental filling that involves removing the decay and filling the space with a stronger material. If you have a more serious cavity, it may need to be treated with a root canal, which involves removing the damaged pulp of your tooth.

Keep Your Smile Safe With Crowns

If you’ve recently damaged a tooth with a fracture or small chip, remember to have the area examined and treated as soon as possible. Even a small crack on the surface of your tooth can lead to major problems in the future. Many types of damage to your pearly whites can be treated with the help of a dental crown. This tooth-shaped cap covers the top of your dental structure and protects it from further damage. Without it, the crack can worsen and lead to an infection which will require emergency dental care. Avoid a toothache over the holiday break and plan your restorations promptly!

Arrange Major Restorations Over The Break

This is a great time of year to plan more extensive dental work because you may have time off of work, school, or other responsibilities. If you’ve been putting off a tooth extraction, consider scheduling an appointment now so that you can recover during your time off, and enter the new year with a healthier smile. Since your kids will also be out of school for the holidays, bring them in for a checkup as well! Their teeth can be thoroughly cleaned and additional treatments like fluoride and sealants can be applied to avoid tooth decay. An end of the year cleaning and examination can help ensure that they are cavity-free and healthy before the next semester starts.

Schedule Your Appointment Today!

Make sure to plan your checkup before the end of the year to get the most of your dental benefits. Call MMC Dental in Houston, TX, today at 713-926-8896 to schedule your appointment.

Dr. Chan

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