Categories: Children's Dentistry

Checkups And Cleanings: Not Just For Adults


You likely already know that you should be seeing the dentist twice a year. These visits allow prevention of common problems like cavities, periodontal disease, and more. You should also be bringing your child in for regular visits, too. These appointments can begin as soon as your little one grows their first teeth in and should continue as they grow into adults. At MMC Dental in Houston, TX, we offer compassionate care so that your young one enjoys their visits. In today’s blog, we are here to discuss the importance of these pediatric visits.

Feeling Comfortable With The Dentist

Dentist-related anxiety may be more common than you think. Mild fear may cause anxiety or heightened stress during appointments, which can make cleanings and exams difficult for both the patient and staff. Severe forms of dentophobia may lead a patient to put off going to the dentist regularly. This can lead to problems such as cavities or gingivitis going undetected, which can require invasive treatments in the future.

One of the most effective ways to reduce dental fear is to get your child comfortable with these visits early. This will help them understand that these visits are a necessity, and they can build a positive bond with their dentist. These visits can start as soon as your little one grows in their first few teeth, around one year old.

Preventive Common Dental Problems

Your child is still learning how to care for their smile on their own, so it is common for them to develop cavities. It may be difficult for them to reach their back molars or floss properly, resulting in decay. Biannual checkups are important because they can help prevent and treat cavities, as well as give tips for better brushing. Having healthy baby teeth can promote the proper development of their permanent dentition.

Another common concern in patients is gingivitis. This gum inflammation is the first stage of developing periodontal disease. To help prevent this, teach your little one how to properly floss. If the dentist notices any concerns such as swelling or change in color of the gingival tissue, they can help address the problem before it advances.

If Your Little One Gets A Cavity

As mentioned above, tooth decay is fairly common among children. However, that does not mean it should go untreated. If your little one has a cavity, we can add a filling to stop the decay from growing further. This is a minimally invasive treatment and can save your child from needing more extensive work.

Schedule Their Appointment Today

To keep your little, one’s smile healthy and happy, bring them in for a checkup. To schedule an appointment with MMC Dental in Houston, TX, call 713-926-8896.

Dr. Chan

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