Categories: Wisdom Teeth

When Your Wisdom Teeth Need To Go

As you enter into adulthood, you need to keep an eye on your smile. Even though you might feel like everything is set, when your third and final set of molars comes in, it can shift your teeth or even cause damage to your enamel. This is because, for most of us, there is simply not enough room for these additional teeth; if you have started to notice a change to your bite or your gums, then it’s time to talk to your dentist about your wisdom teeth.

With our caring team at MMC Dental in Houston, TX, you can keep an eye on your smile. That is an important thing to do when you are reaching your later teen years or your early twenties, as your third molars can start to pose real problems. If you are due for a checkup, come see a trusted dentist for an examination and any necessary imagery to track the development of your wisdom teeth. And if you require an extraction of these molars, we can help you to move forward with a safer, stronger smile.

Don’t ignore your smile during adolescence. Keep on track with checkups from MMC Dental!

Why Do We Even Have Wisdom Teeth?

People can be confused about their third and final set of molars. Often, one of the first questions that a patient has about their wisdom teeth is, “Why do we have them if they are only going to pose problems for my smile?” And this is an important thing to learn before you discuss treatment.

Before we cooked our meat, humans needed stronger chewing power, and that came in the form of a wider face, thicker jaw muscles, and more molars. But since we have started cooking our food, our faces have become much slimmer, leaving less room for those additional teeth. That means that there is frequently too little room for these molars and so, they start to push the existing ones out of alignment.

Do I Need A Wisdom Tooth Extraction?

The short answer to this question is: you’ll need to talk to your dentist to find out about your specific smile needs. But frequently, those with incoming wisdom teeth need to have them removed because of spatial concerns. To know for sure whether you’d benefit from an extraction, schedule your next checkup. While you are having your routine cleaning and examination, your provider can take digital x-rays to take a look at your smile. Then, if you need an extraction, we can talk further.

Find Out More With MMC Dental

If you’ve been longer than six months since your last checkup, it’s time to come in to take a look. To learn more about your wisdom teeth, call MMC Dental in Houston, TX today at 713-926-8896.

Dr. Chan

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