A dental checkup and cleaning appointment is typically a simple visit, which includes carefully examining your teeth and gums for signs of trouble, as well as thoroughly cleaning your teeth of harmful plaque and tartar. Consistency matters in both of these areas; keeping your teeth clean consistently helps you better prevent issues from developing, and consistent exams help you catch them early if they do. Skipping a routine appointment, or postponing it until later, can break this consistency and expose your teeth and gums to risks of more serious concerns.
The plaque and tartar (calcified plaque) that cling to your teeth and gums are daily threats to your oral health. They’re made mostly of oral bacteria, many of which are specifically harmful to your teeth and gums, which is why consistently brushing and flossing your teeth every day is vital to protecting your smile. However, your toothpaste and water can’t remove the calcified tartar that can develop if plaque remains too long. To do this, you need the professional attention and services of your dentist or hygienist during a routine checkup and cleaning appointment.
In addition to visiting your dentist at least once every six months for routine checkups and cleanings, you may need additional treatment if your checkup reveals signs of trouble. You can optimize your oral health care and protect your smile better by seeking treatment for the issue as soon as possible. During your visit, your dentist will consult with you to explain your condition and help you choose the most appropriate treatment plan.
Threats to your oral health can be consistent, which is why caring for your smile has to be, as well. To learn more, schedule an appointment by calling MMC Dental in Houston, TX, today at (713) 926-8896.
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